Free Facebook Cover Maker in VistaCreate

Whether it’s for your personal Facebook profile or a business page, your cover photo needs to make a powerful first impression. Make a Facebook cover photo design that stands out with VistaCreate! Choose from thousands of stunning FB cover templates, enhance your designs with cool features, and quickly share your visuals on your social feed.
Design for free
No credit card needed
Facebook Cover Maker

Create a Facebook cover video online

Imagine how compelling your Facebook cover photo would be if it was animated! Create Facebook cover videos with VistaCreate. We have a ton of templates to help you get started. Just pick any template you like, and add a personal touch to the mockup using intuitive tools in our Facebook cover video maker.
video facebook covers

Facebook cover photo maker for standout cover images

Find everything you need for making Facebook cover designs in VistaCreate! Our editor offers amazing design features and powerful tools to create standout cover images without professional design skills. Explore the Facebook cover maker and easily create striking designs for your page.

FB cover templates you’ll love

There’s no need to start from scratch. Start with one of the 150,000+ templates the design pros at VistaCreate have created. All templates in the Facebook cover maker are fully customizable, so you can easily adjust them to the theme and style of your page.
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Stand out with animated covers

The most successful Facebook covers feature video or animation. Don’t fall behind and make your own cover photo for FB today. We supply the templates, and you adjust them to your idea. Unleash your inner creator with 10,000+ animated templates and impress your followers with a custom Facebook cover photo.
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Personalize Facebook cover art

Your inspirational cover photo for Facebook should reflect your personality. Add a personal touch with the online cover photo creator by uploading your own images, videos, and graphic elements.
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Edit your Facebook cover

You can customize anything in your Facebook cover design, including text, fonts, backgrounds, and images. Change the background color, replace objects on the artboard, add stylish frames, and create a striking Facebook cover photo in your style.
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Cover even more design needs

Want to use your Facebook cover photo as a banner elsewhere? Go for it! With VistaCreate, your Facebook covers can be resized (in one click) to another standard format or any dimensions you enter (up to 5000 by 5000 pixels). Make a design once and quickly resize it to publish on several platforms.
Facebook Covers Facebook Covers

Get fancy on Facebook

Embellish your FB header design with cool animations, illustrations, shapes, stickers, icons, frames, and more. Explore a huge library of 53,000+ unique design objects in the VistaCreate design generator, and choose any of them for your Facebook cover photo.
Facebook Covers Facebook Covers
Stock Images
Discover 70M+ royalty-free files in the VistaCreate Facebook cover photo creator. Find quality images and vectors on any theme or topic, and enhance your designs for social media.
Stock Video
VistaCreate also offers a vast library of video clips that you can use for motion designs. Access more than 1 million stock videos for free and choose the best one for your Facebook cover art.
Font Collections
Choose from over 680 font styles in 25 languages, or upload your own. Besides, VistaCreate supports 17 languages so that you can have the best design experience in a language you prefer.
Get full design power with
  • Access thousands of premium templates for your projects

  • Design using files from a library of 150M+ photos, videos, vectors

  • Remove backgrounds from your images with a single click

  • Unlock infinite Brand Kits, unlimited storage, and version history

  • Collaborate with up to 10 members in your Team Account

  • Make your own stickers, quickly resize designs, and more

How to make a Facebook cover

  • Step 1

    Choose your format

    Select the FB background format to get started. To do so, type out the format you need in the search bar or start your design from scratch by setting the necessary dimensions.
  • Step 2

    Select a template

    Once you’ve selected the format, explore thousands of ready-to-use templates that VistaCreate has to offer. Choose one that suits your Facebook profile best and start editing the layout.
  • Step 3


    Customize your Facebook cover template however you like. Add your own images and graphic elements, experiment with backgrounds, and apply your brand colors and fonts to make a Facebook cover photo in line with your company’s style.
  • Step 4

    Download and share

    Download your professional background picture in a desired format and save it for further use. You can also publish the cover photo to your Facebook business account directly from the VistaCreate website.


  • What is the size of the Facebook cover format?

    The resolution of the Facebook cover format is 851×315 px. Make sure to use a high-resolution image for the final cover photo design to display it in high quality.
  • Can I use VistaCreate’s ready-made templates to generate a Facebook cover?

    Yes, VistaCreate’s license allows you to edit any template in the VistaCreate design editor and upload it to your Facebook business page without mentioning copyright.
  • Can I create other designs for Facebook in VistaCreate?

    Of course! VistaCreate offers various pre-made design formats for all the popular social media platforms. Choose from thousands of trendy templates made by professional graphic designers and easily create visual content for all the available social media channels in one place.

3,000+ Stunning Facebook cover photos

With VistaCreate’s media library, it’s easy to find a Facebook cover design that fits your ideas perfectly.

Trendy templates for your Facebook cover design

Check out an inspiring collection of ready-made templates in our free Facebook cover maker and start creating your own design.

What our users say about VistaCreate

Charlotte Polley
Charlotte Polley
owner of Boo’s Toy Shop.
Using VistaCreate has enabled me to grow my marketing and content skills. People have noticed that my content has changed across social media and I am loving the comments.
Read Charlotte’s story
Jennifer Parr
Jennifer Parr
founder of DIYvinci, an online arts and crafts store.
When you’re a small business owner wearing multiple hats, using a tool like VistaCreate that saves time is crucial. You also don’t have to spend a huge amount of money to be able to develop good designs for your company.
Read Jennifer’s story
Kirsty Cleverly
Kirsty Cleverly
owner of Bonjour Quilts, an online quilt pattern store.
My visuals now look better than anything I could just come up with on my own. VistaCreate makes graphic design so much quicker and easier for me, leaving me with more time to put back into my business. It has been such a force multiplier!
Read Kirsty’s story
Lisa Harvey
Lisa Harvey
owner of Content Perfection.
VistaCreate has massive functionality and I love that it’s just so easy to use. It allows my ideas to come to life. And that has helped me with selling my services and products to clients and prospects tenfold.
Read Lisa’s story
Rick Blyth
Rick Blyth
Micro SaaS apps developer.
It’s just so quick to create graphics using VistaCreate that it almost feels like cheating. As everything is fully customizable, I’m able to quickly create designs consistent with my brand very quickly.”
Read Rick’s story