Free Movie Poster Maker

Easily create a movie poster for any genre with VistaCreate. Whether you need an eye-catching poster for a documentary, a drama, or even a thriller — we’ve got your back! Access tons of professionally-made templates in our movie poster maker and pick your favorite one to get started. You can also add more flair to your movie poster with various effects and themes in VistaCreate. Experiment with an ‘80s-inspired technicolor theme or an earthy, retro palette for a ‘70s vibe in our movie poster creator!
Design for free
No credit card needed
make movie poster online
Get it printed!
Get it printed!
Get it printed!
  • Pick a template and customize it

  • Download, share, or order prints

  • Get prints delivered to your doorstep

Create movie posters that stand out

Pick the right image for your poster to capture the audience’s attention from the very first second. If you don’t have a picture in mind for this purpose, then no worries! The VistaCreate movie poster maker features 70M+ photos, videos, and other assets. Discover millions of stock images for any topic and theme and find the right picture for your poster. You can also enhance your movie poster design with trendy objects from our free media library and make it truly stand out.
create movie poster online

Perks of the VistaCreate movie poster generator

Create DIY movie posters in no time with VistaCreate! Select one of the ready-made templates and quickly customize it using various editing tools in our movie poster maker online. Choose from various backgrounds, fonts, colors, and more to make an engaging poster in your style. Watch your creative ideas come to life with our intuitive movie poster generator!

Pre-made templates you can edit

You don’t have to start from scratch because VistaCreate offers ready-to-use movie poster templates for free. With our huge creative library, you can be certain about finding the perfect layout for your design idea. Simply pick any template you like and easily adjust it to your needs in our movie poster maker.
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Choose from thousands of objects

Access more than 53,000 free design objects in the VistaCreate movie poster maker. Enhance your movie poster creation with shapes, illustrations, stickers, and other elements. You can also liven up your design by adding animations and make your own movie poster even more eye-catching!
Movie Posters Movie Posters

Adjust any template to your needs

Unleash your inner movie poster creator with powerful customization tools in VistaCreate! Adjust your image settings, apply the background remover, experiment with color themes, and more. Tune your design to get the desired picture and boost engagement and ticket sales with an appealing movie poster.
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Upload your own design elements

If you are a new movie poster creator with a knack for artistic design, you might have many of your own ideas. Feel free to use your own content when designing in VistaCreate. Upload your files to our movie poster generator and easily add them to the artboard wherever you want.
Movie Posters Movie Posters Movie Posters

Access easy-to-use design tools

You can edit any element on the template to make a movie poster that shows off your individuality. Change text, use your fonts and colors, replace objects with your images, and easily tweak them with free editing tools in the VistaCreate movie poster maker.
LGBT Support Motivation LGBT Shop Ad with Heart

Print option

Send your design for print right after it’s done! Edit a template or create a design from scratch, then click “Print Online” and place your order through VistaPrint. Choose the number of copies, paper, and finish, and enter your shipping info. Wait for your prints to be delivered to your doorstep
LGBT Support Motivation LGBT Shop Ad with Heart Pride
Get full design power with
  • Access thousands of premium templates for your projects

  • Design using files from a library of 150M+ photos, videos, vectors

  • Remove backgrounds from your images with a single click

  • Unlock infinite Brand Kits, unlimited storage, and version history

  • Collaborate with up to 10 members in your Team Account

  • Make your own stickers, quickly resize designs, and more

How to create a movie poster in VistaCreate

  • Step 1

    Choose the right format

    First, log into your VistaCreate account or sign up to have your movie poster design autosaved. Then, type “movie poster” in the search bar on the Homepage to start with the right design format.
  • Step 2

    Select a movie poster template

    Explore numerous ideas in VistaCreate and select the one you like to make your own movie poster. You can also start with a blank canvas by choosing “Custom Size” and make a movie poster from scratch.
  • Step 3

    Customize your movie poster

    Make your design align with your vision by customizing any element. Play with colors and fonts, add various design objects, apply animated effects, or upload your own content for a unique look.
  • Step 4

    Download and share your finished product

    Once you’ve finished your movie poster creation, click the Download button to save your design. Choose the desired format when downloading or share your file from our movie poster maker online.

Learn how to use colors to make appealing visuals

Dive into color theory with this video tutorial and learn to choose the right palette for your poster. Experiment with colors and create an engaging design in our movie poster maker for free.


  • Can I make another type of poster in VistaCreate?

    Of course! VistaCreate isn’t just a movie poster generator. It’s a design platform that allows everyone to create visuals for business or personal use on their own. Explore thousands of professionally designed templates for flyers, posters, invitations, cards, and more, and easily customize them to make unique designs. You can create an inspirational message poster, a “missing pet” flyer, an album cover, or an advertisement for a business, nonprofit, or sporting event. There is no limit to creativity!
  • What’s the difference between a movie poster and a flyer?

    A flyer is typically smaller than a poster. Flyers are often used strictly for advertising purposes, while movie posters may be displayed as art as well as for advertising. VistaCreate offers both types of templates. Just pick a template you like and edit it to make your own design.
  • What is the standard size for a movie poster?

    If you think that movie posters are rather large, you’re right. But don’t worry that a small one will look like a fake movie poster. A typical movie poster design is usually around 27 by 40 inches.
  • Can I create a movie poster without a template?

    Yes, you can use a blank template and create a poster tailored to your design preferences. Search for “poster” in the search bar and choose the blank canvas to design from scratch. You can also select a “Custom Size” on the Homepage and set custom dimensions for your specific needs. You can still use our movie poster templates for inspiration or customize them to bring your creative idea to life.

Movie poster templates for any genre

Whether you’re a filmmaker, a designer, or simply someone who loves art, we have a movie poster template that’s right for you! Select a template that appeals to you, embellish it with stunning design objects from our creative assets library, and make your own movie poster in minutes.

What our users say about VistaCreate

Charlotte Polley
Charlotte Polley
owner of Boo’s Toy Shop.
Using VistaCreate has enabled me to grow my marketing and content skills. People have noticed that my content has changed across social media and I am loving the comments.
Read Charlotte’s story
Jennifer Parr
Jennifer Parr
founder of DIYvinci, an online arts and crafts store.
When you’re a small business owner wearing multiple hats, using a tool like VistaCreate that saves time is crucial. You also don’t have to spend a huge amount of money to be able to develop good designs for your company.
Read Jennifer’s story
Kirsty Cleverly
Kirsty Cleverly
owner of Bonjour Quilts, an online quilt pattern store.
My visuals now look better than anything I could just come up with on my own. VistaCreate makes graphic design so much quicker and easier for me, leaving me with more time to put back into my business. It has been such a force multiplier!
Read Kirsty’s story
Lisa Harvey
Lisa Harvey
owner of Content Perfection.
VistaCreate has massive functionality and I love that it’s just so easy to use. It allows my ideas to come to life. And that has helped me with selling my services and products to clients and prospects tenfold.
Read Lisa’s story
Rick Blyth
Rick Blyth
Micro SaaS apps developer.
It’s just so quick to create graphics using VistaCreate that it almost feels like cheating. As everything is fully customizable, I’m able to quickly create designs consistent with my brand very quickly.”
Read Rick’s story