Purple color palette

Purple color palette

Find extraordinary ideas for your visuals with VistaCreate’s purple palette.

Use our ready-made purple color palette or gather the necessary hex codes to develop your own combination. Apply your color scheme to any template you like to quickly customize it. Create stunning designs online in no time.


  • Why is it important to know color hex codes?

    Knowing hex codes can help you maintain consistency in your designs. Use the same color scheme across different channels to establish a strong brand identity and make your visuals more recognizable. You can find color hex codes in the VistaCreate Colors project.

  • How can I create cohesive designs across different marketing platforms?

    Use your brand logo, color scheme, and fonts in all of your marketing materials. By doing so, you can develop a cohesive brand image that is easily identifiable across various marketing channels. Check out the VistaCreate Brand Kit feature to create your own brand kit. You can then use it to quickly adjust templates to your brand style.

  • How do I use the palette generator in the editor?

    Find ready-made color and font combinations in the Styles feature on the sidebar menu. Select one that best suits your project (e.g., a purple palette). Shuffle shades on the palette to get the best version of your design.

Select a template and try out our design features

Select a template and try out our design features

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