Royalty-free video footage for all your creative projects

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Thousands of high-quality videos in one place

Find video footage for all of your creative ideas. Download videos to use later or go straight to the VistaCreate Editor and create stunning designs.

Shadow of strong powerlifter raising and lowering barbell - Footage, Video

Shadow of strong powerlifter raising and lowering barbell

confident businesswoman writing on clipboard and smiling at camera - Footage, Video

Confident businesswoman writing on clipboard and smiling at camera

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The only place you need for free stock footage

VistaCreate is much more than a source of high-quality graphics and video footage. It is a design tool that anyone can use to create stunning visuals for social media, marketing, print, and web. Browse and edit thousands of templates, quickly create visuals from your own brand kits, spice up designs with music and animation, and remove backgrounds even from detailed images.

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FAQs about stock video clips

  • Stock videos can be used by multiple individuals in their creative projects and films. You can find footage with a royalty-free license on special websites with stock files for free or at a cheap price. On these markets, you will discover pages of attributed and copyright-free video clips with no watermarks. However, it’s highly recommended to read the terms and make sure the material is royalty-free before you download and use it in your designs. The price of premium video footage varies depending on the policy of the service.