




Stockvideos zum Thema Boca de opem

Finde das passende lizenzfreie Filmmaterial und Animationen zum Thema Boca de opem für die kommerzielle Nutzung.

Close-up of a teenage boy on dentists chair getting teeth treatment in modern pediatric dentistry clinic. Rear view of a dentist hygienist wiping mouth of a little patient after dental procedures. - Filmmaterial, Video

Close-up of a teenage boy on dentists chair getting teeth treatment in modern pediatric dentistry clinic. Rear view of a dentist hygienist wiping mouth of a little patient after dental procedures.

Close-up of a real procedure for extracting a molar baby tooth that interferes with the growth of permanent teeth, in a child with a retractor in his mouth. Medical content for pediatric dentistry - Filmmaterial, Video

Close-up of a real procedure for extracting a molar baby tooth that interferes with the growth of permanent teeth, in a child with a retractor in his mouth. Medical content for pediatric dentistry

Nilkrokodil steht auf einem sandigen Flussufer - Filmmaterial, Video

Nilkrokodil steht auf einem sandigen Flussufer

Extreme close-up of a doctor dentist surgeon, using stainless steel forceps, removes a molar baby tooth to a child patient with a retractor in his mouth, and puts a gauze swab on the bloody wound - Filmmaterial, Video

Extreme close-up of a doctor dentist surgeon, using stainless steel forceps, removes a molar baby tooth to a child patient with a retractor in his mouth, and puts a gauze swab on the bloody wound

Focus on a freshly removed molar baby tooth in stainless steel forceps, in a dental surgeons hands, against a blurred background of a child with a retractor in his mouth, sitting on a dentists chair - Filmmaterial, Video

Focus on a freshly removed molar baby tooth in stainless steel forceps, in a dental surgeons hands, against a blurred background of a child with a retractor in his mouth, sitting on a dentists chair